On 06-06-2023 13:29, Jan Penfrat (EDRi) wrote:
Dear EDRis,
Thank you for allowing me to cross-post this so everyone has seen it:
While the overall work on the Cyber Resilience Act
is going rather well (as compared to other legislative dossiers I assume), one of the
problems that still persists: The EP wants to compel manufacturers of connected devices to
notify the EU's Agency for Cybersecurity ENISA
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Union_Agency_for_Cybersecurity> about
details of unpatched security vulnerabilities.
Given EU member states' track record of state-sanctions hacking, we
believe it's a bad idea to create government-run databases full of
zero-day exploits.
I have therefore drafted an open letter to lawmakers working on the CRA
<https://cloud.edri.org/index.php/s/aK6BJD2DpTs2JkF> to fix that problem
and would like to kindly ask you to *co-sign it individually if you can
_by Monday, 12 June at noon_*.
Please also let me know should you have any major concerns with the
draft letter.
Hi Jan,
I would add a 6th requirement:
Provide for transparency and require publication of vulnerabilities
shared with ENISA within six months upon receipt by ENISA.